Dual Kurt D688's Plus Kurt Magnetic Jaws, Parallels, Work Stops And Vice Keys.

Coolidge, you missed out here.

Think of it, you could have saved $22.32 if you had a surface grinder that you could whip up some precision vice keys on....

At least that is how my brain works. :D

I could help out on that one, I do have a spare;) And I deliver:rolleyes:
I looked at machinist jacks, a 2nd Kurt vice is way faster and more versatile. You can't take it with you guys, what else am I going to spend my money on.

I don't have to worry about spending my money. The wife does it for me. In fact she's out shopping now. :fatigue:

Nice looking mill. Don't let the hecklers get you. I have 2 Kurts also :adore:
Update: Enco is replacing the damaged magnetic jaw.