Benny called me last week from the scrap yard telling me a military truck came in with a fork lift and a pallet jack, the pallet jack worked and had a bonus surprise, a built in scale (not working). All for the affordable price of $75.00 I had him pee on it for me.<br>
I went and picked it up this morning. I need to figure out if the scale works or not, it has 9 rechargeable batteries but no charger.
It is difficult to guess the size of the batteries. Perhaps a picture with a ruler or a common battery such as a AA battery next to them would be helpful. A guess from the picture is they might be CR123a batteries but that guess may be simply due to my familiarity with them. They are 34.5 mm long and have a diameter of 17 mm. Below is a spec from wikipedia.
Below is a list of batteries and dimensions hopefully it will help you identify the batteries.
[TABLE="width: 0"]
Other Names[/TD]
[TD]R6, R06, MN1500, MX1500, PC1500, AM3, UM3, UM-3, HP7, 15AC, 15A, E91, EN91, 815, AL-AA, ALAA, 7524, HR6, HR06, LR06, LR6, X91, PC1501, Mignon, Penlight, Double A, 2AA[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 50 mm, D 14.2 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]LR03, LR3, LR03X, R03, R3, MN2400, MX2400, PC2400, AM4, UM4, UM-4, HP16, 24AC, 24A, 24G, EN92, E92, 824, ALAAA, AL-AAA, 7526, 4003, K3A, Micro, Microlight, Potlood, Penlight, Triple A, 3AAA[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 44.5 mm, D 10.5 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]LR61, 25A , MN2500, MX2500, E96, EN96, GP25A, LR8D425, 4061, K4A, Quadruple A, Quad A, 4AAAA[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 42 mm, D 8 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]LR14, R14, UM2, UM-2, MN1400, MX1400, PC1400, 14AC, 14A, E93, EN93, 814, ALC, AL-C, 7522, AM2, HP11, Baby, Mignon[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 46 mm, D 26 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]LR20, R20, R20MA, R20P, MN1300, MX1300, PC1300, UM1, UM-1, SUM-1, AM1, 13AC, 13A, E95, EN95, 813, AL-D, 1250, 7520, HP2, HR20, Mono, Goliath[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 58 mm, D 33 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]PP3, 1604AC, 1604A, 1604AC, 522, EN22, A1604, AL9V, AL-9V, 9-Volt, Radio Battery, 6AM6, 6UM6, 006P, 6LR61, PC1604, PL1604, L522, 1604LC, U9VL-FP, K9V, S006, S-006, 6F22, Nine Volt[/TD]
[TD]Rectangular H 48.5 mm, L 26.5 mm, W 17.5mm[/TD]
[TD]9 V[/TD]
[TD]CR17354, 5018LC, Camera Battery, CR123, LR123, VL123, 123A, CR123A, EL123A, EL123AP, EL123AP-2, RL123, RL123A-1, RL123A-2, DL123A-1, DL123A-2, SF123A, SF12-BB, K123A, RCR-123A, 23-155, CR-123APA[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 34.5 mm, D 17 mm[/TD]
[TD]3 V[/TD]
[TD]DLCR2, DLCR2B, RLCR2, KCR2, EL1CR2, RLCR2-L, CR-2, 5046LC[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 27.5 mm, D 16 mm[/TD]
[TD]3 V[/TD]
[TD]LR1, LR01, 910A , MN9100, 4001, E90, KN, 810, 23-023, AM5, UM5, UM-5, SUM5, Lady Battery[/TD]
[TD]Cylinder L 30.2 mm, D 12 mm[/TD]
[TD]1.5 V[/TD]
[TD]4LR61, 7K67, 4018, 539, KJ, 4AM6, 4UM6, 4UM-6, 1412A, 1412AP, 867[/TD]
[TD]Square with missing corner H 48.5 mm, L 35.6 mm, W 9.18 mm[/TD]
[TD]6 V[/TD]
As to the hydraulics, I am in agreement with your assessment. I too would first try to change the fluids, if that fails, it may be a seal somewhere in the hydraulic system. After you change the fluid and clean the jack, put it in a dry clean area and pump it while looking for any leaks.
Good luck