@Ed ke6bnl
I have not bothered to do any error correction yet. I just set the hand wheel to 0, and made a full turn. It read spot on +/-1/10th repeatedly. My mill has ground imperial lead screws, so I trust them to be pretty accurate. I will check it eventually with a gauge block. If you use a 1-2-3 block, measure it first as accurately as possible. You should also overtighten or partly lock the gibs so it takes effort to turn the wheels because sag and twist can skew the reading. Keep in mind that the faces of the 1-2-3 block and the backing block must be in the same plane, and even a tiny bit of dust between them can throw off the measurement when using a 1/10ths indicator - I prefer gauge blocks for this because they have smaller faces and can be wrung together. You could maybe use the standard from your micrometer instead. It makes no sense to check a 1um scale against something that has "loose" tolerances like a 1-2-3 block. My 1-2-3 blocks are all off by a few 1/10ths in all dimensions, squareness, and parallelity. Provided you get the scales and read heads parallel to under a thou, it should be pretty accurate out of the box
I had the same unit on my old mill and it did not require adjustment. My new mill has much higher tolerances, so I expect I will fuss with it some to get it consistent with the mill's specs.
I know the display will do both sin error and compression. Sin error is clear enough to me - it compensates for the scales being out of parallel to table movement. I am not sure what the purpose of compression is.
I have a used Bridgeport that is in the 50's, with a J head, so I am sure I will be ok if I got the results you had. The reason I brought it up was my last mill a Rockwell I put Yuriy's Touch-DRO on and part of the procedure was to set the scales to match the Readout. Thanks again.