Drill/Tap SS All Thread Rod

Thanks MalR thats another area I want to adventure into is another SS such as 416.I have played around little with the 316 but haven't had good experience with it.I also would like to learn little about the heat treating parts such as 416 and other steels.Reason-Friend of mine just purchase his self a small forge so now heat treating may become possible:) But for now wanting to get pass these blind holes in end of all thread
Good afternoon guys,have you ever had a moment that you look around your shop and see all the started but unfinish project and say to your self that wish you were twins?I am having that moment but I am happy to say that today I finish two projects thanks to help here which I did follow drilling,tapping holes in SS.Guys what these are is stop rods that is for my 6 position be turret.The other stops were bent due to people running into them and they were pretty rusty.So my thought was to make them out of SS316 but instead of having a straight blade slot for a screw driver to adjust I would drill tap a hole in end of all thread rod for a cap screw which I ended up using 1/4-20 to adjust the rods stops.This project was straight forward but for me working SS was going to be a challenge due to my lack of and bad pass experiences.But thanks to the forum it really was not bad but I did use a cheap tap but it made it through this projects.Check out pics,I just wanted to show that I'm not just asking question but putting the information that I am given to use.
Stop Rod.jpg
Here's better pic of what this is,someone like me looking here would not understand.Guys thanks again for all the help,most of my post are questions but wish I had answers sometimes.stop.jpg