" I know this is all probably sounding like a bunch of crazy talk, but I think it'd be a heck of a fun project, if nothing else I bet I learn a ton. I'm not looking for a piece of equipment I can machine billet wheels for tractors with, but something I save a few trips to store "X" to hear "No sir, we don't have anything like that, and I wouldn't know who would" one more time with."
You said it right there, it would be a fun project. Sure, it can be built.
Rebuilding old machinery all these years, has taught me that.
Plan out all your moves and go at it. You'll learn a lot about mechanics/physics, in the process.
Just about everything....can be done in the Machining Industry.
Another reasons I love this Magnificent Trade.)
I actually got started in the trades as a young boy when I found a couple of old hand planes at an antique store, and found out later what a pitted sled and chipped up blade did to a nice piece of wood. I went to the library and learned how to fix them. My mother still uses the first table I built, using no power tools.
Thanks for the encouragement! There's a lot to learn yet.