Split points are no more than a regular drill bit with a thinned web, I f you start a hole with a smaller bit the web is inconsequential. For a hobby machinist anyrhing other than black axide is a waste.
Screw machine lengths are desireable for use withg a mini mill/drill where the distance to the work piece is short. Thin the webs yourself as you need them. When drilling brass hold the cutting edge of the drill againsrt the side of the grinding wheel for a neutral rake. You can also grind brad points yourself as required . we used to call them "tin drills".
Hope I helped.
Screw machine lengths are desireable for use withg a mini mill/drill where the distance to the work piece is short. Thin the webs yourself as you need them. When drilling brass hold the cutting edge of the drill againsrt the side of the grinding wheel for a neutral rake. You can also grind brad points yourself as required . we used to call them "tin drills".
Hope I helped.