Does It Exists, 3 Axis Display 4 Igaging Dro?

Just to start at the beginning. You are trying to flash the Mixed scale version to the MSP430 correct? Next question is not about the drivers that autoloaded when you first plugged in the MSP430 (that is only a driver that allows your computer to talk with the MSP430). You should have followed these steps:

1) Look for a package called "MSP-EXP430G2 Software Examples" .
2) fill out the agreement (all lines, put your name and email in for company and website)
3) Download the MSP-EXP430G2 Software Examples
4) unzip it to a folder like c:\ti\ (Composer Studio will have created the same path if you have it already)
5) drill into a folder called "Binaries", drill deeper into "MSP430flasher"
6) copy the contents of this folder back into c:\ti\
7) drill into a folder called "Binaries", drill deeper into "drivers"
8) copy the contents of this folder back into c:\ti\
9) download the firmware of your choice. use the HEX version so you don't have to paste the text into a TXT file
10) find your download in your windows "downloads" folder. copy it into c:\ti\
11) open notepad and paste in the following

msp430flasher.exe -n Unknown -w "DigitalReadoutBasic_v1.3.hex" -v -g -z [VCC]
rem DigitalReadout_Quadrature_v1.1.hex
rem DigitalReadoutBasic_v1.3.hex
rem DigitalReadout_Universal_V0.3.hex
rem DigitalReadoutBasic_v1.2.hex

12) go to "file", "save as" Loader.bat in the c:\ti\ directory

Note: i saved the names of a few of the files you could choose in the "REM" lines so you can copy and paste the in the top line where i have "DigitalReadoutBasic_v1.3.hex" .
Note: the "pause" line hols the window open so you can see what happened after it executes without the window slamming shut.
13) plug in your board and let windows find all the drivers
14) go to c:\ti\ and double click on "loader.bat"
15) you should be cooking in 5 seconds tops.
hope this fills in the gaps. all your files are sitting together so paths won't be an issue.

If none of this looks familiar you have not installed anything onto your launchpad and it will not work. If you need I can simplify these instructions.
Just called flash programmer. Not flash programmer 2. I just checked to be sure. There is a description on the download page.
Then that is Ed's issue. He downloaded the programmer 2 and I don't think he actually flashed the launch pad. May have been thrown off by the driver downloading messages. Ed let us know of you want a walk through of the technique rex used. It would be easier then the ones we described. There is no reason touch dro should not work. I just think you missed flashing the msp430 somehow.
I appreciate all the work you did in writing this up for me but it is like another language to me, not sure how so many others have done it from all this, but way beyond my abilities.
Then that is Ed's issue. He downloaded the programmer 2 and I don't think he actually flashed the launch pad. May have been thrown off by the driver downloading messages. Ed let us know of you want a walk through of the technique rex used. It would be easier then the ones we described. There is no reason touch dro should not work. I just think you missed flashing the msp430 somehow.

sorry was not able to respond was away at grandkids birthday party, I wouldn't mind trying. I did try to follow and when it said to open one of the item and download it was just all text and not downloadable. thanks for the assist. thank for all your patience.
So starting from scratch on this just to make sure we don't miss a step. And this is assuming you are using the mixed scales version of Touch Dro. I would erase any programs you ave downloaded in attempts to get this to work. This includes dleeteing the files in your download folder and going into your control panel and deleting any programs you installed, Like "Flash Programmer-2". This will help avoid some confusing in the process listed below.

1. Go to Yuriy's website here and scroll down to the Mixed Scale Firmware and download the "hex" file for version 0.3. This file will show up in your downloads folder on your computer as "DigitalReadout_Universal_V0.3.hex". It may have a (1) or (2) etc in the file name. This just means you downloaded it multiple times and all of those files are identical except for the name so any of them will work for your application.

2. Next we need to download the flash programmer. Go to the Ti website here: and download the "Flash Programmer" (not Flash Programmer-2). This should be the first item listed. Click get software and a zipped file should download into your downloads folder.

3. Open your downloads folder and find zipped folder "swrc044s". Right click this folder and click "Extract All". Left click browse in the window that opens. Select "Desktop" and left click it (should be on the leftside of the window that opens). The bottom box of this window should now display "Folder: Desktop" with "Select Folder" just to the right of this. If that is the case click select folder and the window should close. In the next window click "Extract"

4. Minimize all windows so you can view your desktop. Find the icon on your screen called "Setup_SmartRFProgr_1.12.7" and double left click it. Follow the installer and install as recommended. You should just need to click the next button several times. The final screen on the installer has a box that says "Finish", before pressing this make sure the box above it labeled "Install shortcut to desktop" is checked, then click finish.

5. Now plug in your MSP430 to your USB port on your computer. It will probably download some drivers and you may need to approve this and follow some automatic prompts on screen. Once you complete that go back to your desktop screen and you should have a new icon labeled "SmartRF Flash Programmer". Double left click this icon to open the programmer.

6. In the window for the programmer there should be two tabs near the top left. One labeled "System-on-chip" and one "MSP430". Click the MSP430 tab.

7. Just below this is a button labeled "refresh". Click this and to the right you should see one MSP430 device listed as being "Available".

8. The next line down lists "Flash image" with a blank field to the right and a box to the right of the field with "..." Click on the box "..." and it will open up file explorer. In the top box it is labeled as "Look in" with a down arrow to the right. Click the arrow and a drop down box should appear. Navigate and select downloads. Some files should appear below. Ledt click a file labeled as "DigitalReadout_Universal_V0.3.hex" (The one we downloaded earlier, its ok if it has a (1) or (2) in the file name). That file should appear in the box labeled "File name:" below, to the right click "Open"

9. Thiswill bring us back to the Programmer window, near the bottom of the window is a box labeled "Perform actions", left click this and in no time it should complete and the box at the bottom should say "Sucessful". If all that happens you can unplug your MSP430 and you should be in business on the software side.

One side note is that the Bluetooth card that I bought can very easily short out when the back pins come in contact with something metallic. Make sure that while you are testing the card is secure to something none conductive. Let me know how this all works. I can add pictures if need be.