Does It Exists, 3 Axis Display 4 Igaging Dro?

At the end of the day, if you need something with reliability and resolution, you are probably better off with the DROPros, Sino/Snipo DRO, Easson... and you do not need to think about if the display is reading correctly or the accuracy of the scales. Nothing against this concept, but when you start adding everything up including the mounting hardware and a display big enough to see, interfaces, power supplies..... you are not far off from a real DRO that is more or less easier to use and more reliable. Don't get me wrong, I use an Igaging Absolute on my tailstock and it is accurate, but doesn't even come close to the accuracy, speed and functionality of a dedicated machine DRO.
The problem with the iGaging is the display is not light up. Black on a dark background. The problem with Yuri's setup is you have to use with a phone or tablet.You can also down load and install an emulator program to run on a laptop. BUT I don't want a laptop at my lathe, nor my cell phone or a tablet.
At the end of the day, if you need something with reliability and resolution, you are probably better off with the DROPros, Sino/Snipo DRO, Easson... and you do not need to think about if the display is reading correctly or the accuracy of the scales. Nothing against this concept, but when you start adding everything up including the mounting hardware and a display big enough to see, interfaces, power supplies..... you are not far off from a real DRO that is more or less easier to use and more reliable. Don't get me wrong, I use an Igaging Absolute on my tailstock and it is accurate, but doesn't even come close to the accuracy, speed and functionality of a dedicated machine DRO.

I would have to buy 3 setups from David to get close to DRO Pros or Sino, etc. I got 4 scales complete and shipped from him for $130.00. I think Wild Horse has the conversion for these for around another hundred or so and if I went with Yuri's setup, even with the tablet price (used) I'm still way ahead of the game.

I would like to have a set of 'real' DROs one day but the $$$ just isn't there right now, so I have to go with what I can afford. (Wife has this crazy idea that the house and yard should look nice ALL the time! Madness, I tell you!!)
Can I ask why using a phone or tablet is such a problem? They are plentiful, have high resolution touch screens, and have way more processing power than even your best DRO. Plus the software is being actively developed, so new features are being added. I can bet you if you buy a new DRO now and in a years time they release the new model with say a hole pattern option, they will not give you the software to add this feature to your current DRO.

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It is true that the iGaging scales are not in the same league as the glass scale systems. The glass scales have 5 micron resolution as compared to the 10 micron resolution of the IGaging scales. The glass scales have a much better protection system with their double seals as opposed to just wipers on the iGaging scales.
Generally, the glass scales will be more accurate; my scales came with a plot of readout error for each scale. The iGaging scales have a generic statement of expected accuracy.
However, the iGaging scales are much smaller than the glass scale which can be an issue for small mills and lathes. They can easily be cut to a custom size as well.They are also much lower in cost.
I installed a 3 axis iGaging system on my lathe primarilly because of size. There was no way that I could have put a glass scale on my cross feed or on the tailstock. My total cost came to a little over $100, including the TouchDRO option using my smart phone. For another $60, I can add a dedicated tablet. It would cost me $500 for a 2 axis glass scale system and $700 for a 3 axis system not meant to run with a lathe.

There are three families of Igaging readers and scales.
1. The original with no name, aluminum frame, works with Touchdro, least accurate (.002" per 6") $
2. Accuremote, stainless steel frame, works with Touchdro, better accuracy (.0015" 1st 6", about .0005" for each additional 6") $$
3. Absolute, also stainless, better displays, does NOT work with Touchdro (yet?) even better accuracy reported, but damned if I can find actual numbers $$$

Yuriy has said he now has one of the Absolute scales and is working to decode the protocol. With luck it will be a software fix for the
controllers (T430, Aurdino), but he has not published any results yet, so the Absolute scales are not a good idea.
I'm sorry to hear this, I've been in the process of building Yuriy's Touch DRO controllers for use on my lathe and mill.
I've installed iGaing Absolute DRO scales on both.
I can bet you if you buy a new DRO now and in a years time they release the new model with say a hole pattern option, they will not give you the software to add this feature to your current DRO.

If you follow DROs, they do not change very much through the years. Those that have a USB port are upgradable, I just updated one of mine. The current models do bolt holes and a number of other functions. In the future this may change, but they seem to evolve very slowly. New programming functions is product support, I would not rely on a single individual to provide long term support. Computing power is not a factor in DRO's. If you have a spare tablet, touch screen computer or want to use your phone go for it (I can barely see mine and it has a 5.5" screen), but looking at the cost of the newer Absolute systems (which I use), the cost factor is becoming closer. This is also an option if you have a spare touch screen computer and want to deal with the set-up. . You can get a Sino type DRO for much less, and they pump them out in great quantity. A 2 axis system is around $260 on eBay and a 3 axis start around $350. Scales come in all sizes and lengths, so you buy the model that fits. There are different approaches, this is machine dependent, and the degree of resolution and reliability you are seeking.
I just started the install of AccuRemote stainless gages are these in the same category as the igaging absolute has a product that can be used with the igaging scales for a wired setup. It requires some effort to assemble the parts and uses OpenDRO for the software. I don't know any more than what the page says about it.
Mksj, with the touch DRO you don't rely on one person for support. The code is open source which means if Yuri abandones it someone can take up where he left off. It if something is not implemented in a way that most like, others can fork the code and implement it that way.
Processing power is always a good thing. My touch dro on my mill benefits greatly from it. I also use it to run FS Wizard, a calculator and steam music while I work. How many commercial DRO's can boast that?
While you may battle with a 5.5" touch screen there are cheap Chinese tablets out there which are 10" for under $100 giving you a full 10" touch screen. I am not aware of commercial DROs that even use touch screens yet. You can alter the font and size of the touch dro UI again not something available on commercial models. You can even change the colour of the fonts.
The new version of touch dro now integrates with a tachometer to give you your tooth load.
Another nice feature is the ability to add Axis to the readout without any cost, all commercial DRO readouts you buy in the configuration you require and you are stuck with that. This is nice for the hobbyist who wants to slowly put together a DRO.

On the accuracy side touch dro is just as accurate as any commercial DRO as this comes from the scales. Touch dro will interface with just about any scale so the world is you oyster there.

Yuri provides code for the interface of any scale on the TI MS480 chip. I am busy working on porting this to the arduino boards to provide a single board that will do all scales.

If i can get my hands on an absolute igaging scale I would be happy to do this too.

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