

Active User
Oct 29, 2012
I should have turned off the lathe and worked another day, but I was behind the curve and needed to get this job done (it's for work).

I had an excavator right outside my window digging up my old septic system and installing a new one. Constant distraction. Loud machine, lots of visuals, guys yelling in Spanish and me trying to figure out what they're saying (I know more Spanish than your average gringo but can't hold a conversation). I thought they were going to run that thing into my shop a couple times. And they nearly drove it into the pit they dug.

I didn't commit any serious errors (no crashes, etc) but I did habitually lose track of how much I had bored out and have to keep measuring which wasted a lot of time.

20160912_141602.jpg 20160912_151939.jpg 20160912_144514.jpg lathe.jpg
I can see why They had trouble working, being up hill and all.
Sorry, I don't know why the pictures are rotated. They are oriented properly on my phone and on my computer before I uploaded them.

Apparently I wasn't the only one distracted. They ended up running that excavator into my shop after all...

Hope that was only the facia board that was damaged.

They ARE paying for that... :cool:
There is no way I could work at that lathe with that going on outside.....way to big of distraction.

Of course, there's no way I could run the back-hoe and not watch what was happening on the lathe in the window either......

If it were my home....
You can bet your (whatever :)) I would be out there watching them...

Just my presence, would induce an attitude of being careful... :D
The worst distractions are when your wife is raising Hell at you when you are driving. I got into a small accident when I was about 22 years old from that.
The worst distractions are when your wife is raising Hell at you when you are driving. I got into a small accident when I was about 22 years old from that.
I can't top that, but this guy probably can:

His girlfriend didn't want him racing so she pulled the emergency brake to make him stop. It worked.