Dipping into the Arduino Uno pool- Now what?

Jeff: The 8825 will provide plenty of current for your NEMA 17 stepper. It's a good driver. It is still on the way? I see the socket board
but not the driver itself. You could get one quickly from pololu.com if needed
Examine the 2004 LCD does it have a small board on the back with 4 pins? It has to have the I2C interface to work with this project
You need to download the Arduino app (go to the Arduino website) to your laptop and configure it to talk to the board. Do the blink test.
I'll upload the code for the "dummies" project when you are ready
On a road trip until mid July.
Will get more into this then.
Thanks man!
Anyone who is interested, PM me with your email address and I will send you a big stack of Arduino reference textbooks in pdf format. Or we can find a place for them in our download library.
I think it would be great to have in our database
I admire you guys for digging into this stuff. I've worked on embedded systems for coming up on 60 years, from back when there was nothing to embed in. :) I've pretty much done enough.

Same with CNC...too much like the work years.
We have a resident expert.
Hmmmm, nice to know :)
@Janderso how is your foray into Arduino land going?
I’m plugging away.
Wrote, copied Paul’s flashing led binary count sequence with .750 delay. (Up to 15) :)
It sure makes sense to use the int variables so you only make one change.
The simple programs can get long. Time consuming if you have to make changes.
The copy/paste helps.
I use Visual Studio Code for my IDE and build environment. Platform.IO is the Arduino plugin I use with VSC but there are others.

The blink code is a good place to start. Add in Serial.write() and figure out how to see the output on your computer. It is a good tool to have in your software toolbox.

Just be aware that serial output takes time. And if you are not running a real time operating system with a serial driver designed to use it, that time will hold up your arduino.
At 115200 baud rate it will take about 87 micro seconds to transmit one character. Ten characters had you close to 1millisecond. Sounds like a short time but in the electronic world that is ages and can have a massive affect on any software that you are writing.

During my professional development days writing embedded code we would often have bugs that would be either introduced or solved by adding serial debug information. The act of outputting that data changed the functionality enough to add or resolve a bug.

Sent from my SM-S908E using Tapatalk
I have both the Arduino Cookbook and another book that purports to be a command reference manual - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1655278037/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Unfotrunately, both of them are so fraught with errors ( that even a newby like me could see) as to be nearly useless. What really helped me was going to the website:

That got me through programming a major project, including the control of two stepper motors.