Did You Guys See McMaster-Carr

I guess all the complaining about outrageous shipping costs for some items finally paid off. Everyone else does it, no reason why they couldn't have done it a while back. I really like their site and inventory otherwise. Thanks for the heads up on on this.
Finally!!! It's one of the primary reasons I haven't been using McMaster Carr. It always seemed sneaky to hide the shipping costs, even after you click 'Purchase'. You don't know $$$ until days later!!!
I always hated this. I remember one time I ordered something small, figuring they would put them in a small box. No. They shipped them separately, double shipping charges, which ended up being more than the parts themselves. When COVID took away the pickup counter, I decided I wouldn't order anything until I had enough to justify stupid shipping costs.
Wooo hoo! While I hated the "surprise" shipping fees, they were usually pretty reasonable, especially considering how quickly stuff got here.

The companies that bug me are the ones who don't bother to investigate less expensive ways to ship. UPS or FedEx only, even if it's something small and light that could be shipped in a USPS envelope.

All that said, I guess I've been spoiled by Amazon Prime or other companies that ship for free.
Hallelujah. I've also bought a lot of stuff elsewhere because of the lack of shipping info. I've been hit by multiple shipping charges too without there being any indication it would happen. I'm glad those days are over.
I live in rural Southern Washington State and have little reservation ordering from McMaster.
Shipping cost is very reasonable 98% of the time with long skinny things (shipping tubes) surprising me once in a while.
On average, still very reasonable.

My orders ship from Los Angeles. Usually second day delivery. McMaster contracts a truck load (not UPS) a day from LA to the Sacramento UPS distribution center. UPS delivers from there.
I suppose that truck includes Bay Area (and environs) goods too. My point is that McMaster seems to go the extra mile to get the orders delivered ASAP.

If my order doesn't get on that truck, and goes to UPS directly, transit time is longer.