Decisions decisions .........................

For my 65th Birthday my son sent a pair of Taylor Swift concert tickets . Unfortunately it's the same weekend of my planned fishing trip . I've been racking my brain trying to decide . What'cha think ? Saltwater or freshwater ? :sharkattack:
Goto Taylor Swift concert next weekend go fishing. The fish will be waiting for you.

My so knows not to buy Taylor Swift ticks tickets. I have no interest in her. I have better thing to do

In all reality , the tickets were a joke . My son knows better . The fishing isn't a joke . As of 9-10 tomorrow morning I'll be planted in front of the trash cans on the beach . Had to change plans of northward because of lousy weather . I'll be the milk white guy under the colorful unbrella holding a beer in my hand . Give me a call and I'll give you a wave from SC ! :grin:

The fish will still be there after the concert ---
Better still - they'll be there during the concert.

I'm not a "swifty", but if one of my favorite bands were selling tickets at $1000 a pop, I'd still go fishing... (And I don't care much for fishing...)

In the world as it exist today I am really not a fan of crowded places, too many folks out there up to no good and far too many unknowns OTM sneaking across the southern border with ill will in their hearts, I do not even like to go big box shopping any more much less to concert venues.... .