Crowning a pulley for a flat belt Question

Simple answer why make it so difficult?
Machining the part on centers as shown in the previous pictures, you machine one side turn the part 180 degrees or end for end & machine the other end.
You get exactly the same taper on each end!!
I used a metal file to fix the crowns on my 60 y/0 South Bend cast iron flat belt pulleys. I just turned on the lathe and held the file to the edges of the pulleys. It wasn’t hard at all and my lathe no longer has the problem of the belts slipping off. I did all of it by eye. I’m not trying to minimize any of this.... but personally I don’t think you really need to overthink a crown of a flat pulley. It just needs to be higher in the middle so the belt tracks properly and doesn’t slip off. Just don’t overdo it. I did a little at a time until belts stopped slipping off.
FWIW....the entire process took less than 5 minutes. When I got the lathe....belts constantly slipped off. I was surprised at how quickly a little crown fixed the issue.
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