Cross slide nut blueprint help

Here's a good calculator to use when making acme screws/nuts. As you can see, you can make the diameter pretty much whatever diameter you want.

For an example, I just checked my Induma mill that has a X screw/nut of 28mm with a 5 pitch. The dials are .200" per rev. Metric OD with an imperial lead (pitch).

I wonder what the chances are of me finding a lead screw? I may try making a new nut first and see how that works.
I would encourage you to make one! Both nut and screw. I made one for my 15" South Bend when I was first learning and I learned a lot by doing so. The best way to learn is by doing.... experience can only be gained one way. By doing!

There are plenty of members here ready to help if you need it.

I like the suggestion of using a 1/2”x8 lead screw. If I use the 1/2” screw, will it throw my dials off?
The only thing what would throw your dials off is if you change the pitch (lead) of the screw/nut. Diameter has no impact whatsoever. But, the nut and screw must match up with each other. So, 1/2" screw needs a 1/2" nut.

Don't miss the note on the drawings specifying a Left Hand Thread.....
Single pointing a small diameter Acme rod of any length is challenging, single pointing a small diameter Acme nut is VERY challenging. Acme taps are available and expensive. For the inexperienced, I would recommend...
