How many flywheels am I making? 8 or 10?
Pjf134- axle and pins
4R8- piston
Hawkeye- main bearing
JGedde- flywheel
Scrapmetal- crank
Turbo- frame
David U.-cylinder and cap (all parts being sent to him to distribute less one part that you are making I assume unless he wants to fit and ream parts for all)
Does anyone elses computer enter ' every time an apostrophe is used in a word. Really distracting while reading.
What size is your pivot pin on the engine you built, ours is going to be about 0.156" dia. brass, and was wondering if it is big or strong enough for the task. The ones in the vids look to be bigger. I did point this out at the begining but got no feed back, just trying to be safe.