Come to Hawaii

I have scorpions living in my garage. They are known as a Lesser Brown Scorpion and average about 2" long. The biggest one I have found was about 4" long, and I found him right after he stung me. Felt like someone shot my hand with a bullet. Pain, swelling and redness but it lasted only a few days and was gone.

Now I look before I put my hand on a rafter. I don't kill these guys because they are beneficial by eating bugs that I don't want in my home but I am very aware they are there.

So, Hawaii has centipedes and scorpions on land and sharks in the water but other than that, nothing really dangerous critter-wise. What kills most folks here is stupidity.
Brown recluse, you don't want to be finding one of those by mistake. :(
I think in Savarin's country everything wants to kill you. It is just a question of if it is big enough to do so.

It is an interesting place, our world. Here, it is cold enough to freeze to death but no bugs. Come summer, we have enough mosquitos to kill a horse. Oh, and horse flies too.
And Bald Faced hornets, also known as the Spawn of Satan with wings.
I have scorpions living in my garage. They are known as a Lesser Brown Scorpion and average about 2" long. The biggest one I have found was about 4" long, and I found him right after he stung me. Felt like someone shot my hand with a bullet. Pain, swelling and redness but it lasted only a few days and was gone.

Now I look before I put my hand on a rafter. I don't kill these guys because they are beneficial by eating bugs that I don't want in my home but I am very aware they are there.

So, Hawaii has centipedes and scorpions on land and sharks in the water but other than that, nothing really dangerous critter-wise. What kills most folks here is stupidity.
I stepped on a scorpion when I lived in Arizona. The people who say it's like a bee sting haven't ever been stung by either, I could tell that sucker wanted to kill me when my tongue started going numb....

I stepped on a scorpion when I lived in Arizona. The people who say it's like a bee sting haven't ever been stung by either, I could tell that sucker wanted to kill me when my tongue started going numb....


Yeah, you have to experience it to know what it feels like. The closest I can compare it to is getting stung by a Yellow Jacket or some other venomous wasp. Its like a sudden, shocking, immediate pain that is out of proportion to the way it is delivered. Venom is some serious stuff! Sorry you got nailed - I'm sure it wasn't fun for you.
I think in Savarin's country everything wants to kill you. It is just a question of if it is big enough to do so.

It is an interesting place, our world. Here, it is cold enough to freeze to death but no bugs. Come summer, we have enough mosquitos to kill a horse. Oh, and horse flies too.
And Bald Faced hornets, also known as the Spawn of Satan with wings.
when i was 7 i would hit bald faced hornets with my crocks. they didnt sting me but i got stung while using a hacksaw on the pinkie finger.