Collet closer needs a nose piece 5MT to 5c.

The ones I've made look like this and take only a few minutes to make... You don't need to harden the metal although it would be nice so it won't stick in the spindle -no big deal, it will pop out with a light tap. It only needs to be about 1.25" long. The major OD is about 1.75" (measure your spindle to be sure) and the 5C major OD is 1.5". The 5C angle is 10[SUP]o[/SUP] and the MT5 is 1.507[SUP]o[/SUP]

Have a look at the PDF. (Reminder: By clicking on the PDF, you can use the left-mouse and scroll pad to rotate the image).

View attachment 5C_MT5_Adapter.pdf

You guys are awesome!
I have a collet closer nose piece which might fit.
Can you provide any dimensions, like diameter of spindle opening..

Here is one on ebay as an example:

I'll take some measurements of the one I have

give me a day or so..

Forgot to mention that Grizzly used to sell nose pieces for their lathes..
Might have to check owner manuals or call them

I can get a better measurement tomorrow, if i remember correctly, the outermost edge of the 5mt spindle was 1.495, just a hair under 1.5"
I did see that one on ebay, but the dimensions are kinda vague, I didn't want to take a chance on it.
I called grizzly, you can order it as a part from one of thier collet closers. It was $98 plus shipping. I would have bought it if it had been around $50 or less. I honestly thought it was gonna be around $30. It kinda blew me away.
I'm still open to buying one if you guys want to get rid of one.

Marcel, if you set up a test indicator on the compound with the pointer dead on centre height and indicate the MT in the spindle you should get the compound angle real close. Once you've got it right moving the compound in and out will show movement on the test indicator.

I don't have a Morse taper 5 of anything except for the spindle. I did just win 2 MT 5 used dead centers, but i won't have those till next week probably.
This is how I did it when I made my ER40 collet chuck. Adjust the compound till you get 0 deflection on the DTI across the lingth of the taper.
No taper to measure.

The ones I've made look like this and take only a few minutes to make... You don't need to harden the metal although it would be nice so it won't stick in the spindle -no big deal, it will pop out with a light tap. It only needs to be about 1.25" long. The major OD is about 1.75" (measure your spindle to be sure) and the 5C major OD is 1.5". The 5C angle is 10[SUP]o[/SUP] and the MT5 is 1.507[SUP]o[/SUP]

Have a look at the PDF. (Reminder: By clicking on the PDF, you can use the left-mouse and scroll pad to rotate the image).

View attachment 63935

Thanks Ray, I've already set my compound to cut the mt 5 taper, It's set to the exact angle offset @ 5.19", along that length. I was gonna start cutting it tonight but I ran out of time.

Tomorrow is another day. I'm gonna try my hand at making one, but if someone has on to sell, I'll take it.

Its the MT in the spindle you want to indicate to Marcel. Remove the chuck an indicate to the inside of the taper.
You can make one out of a drill sleeve or drill socket with a 5mt on the outside. You can buy one in the soft state with a hard tang that you can cut off. Enco or MSC should have one for about 20 dollars. In a home shop you can get by without it being heat treated as long as you keep it clean and take care of it.
Someone from this forum has offered to make me a heat treated one, and I'm gonna try to make one too. I think I'm all set guys. Thanks for all the helpfull responses.

I went from not having a clue to what part was missing for my collett closer in the morning, to knowing which part I need, how to make one, and an offer to make me one. I also learned a lot about the dimensions of morse tapers and 5c colletts. Even though someone here is making me one, I'm gonna make one too, because I need the practice, and i always feel better about myself when I accomplish something new.
