Clone of enco compact8 motor question (newbie)

Thanks Mark, I'm a paramedic by trade so I've seen what a little spec of metal/glass/heat/fork (yes, it happens) can do to an eye.
We call it PPE (personal protective equipment), and I get issued with prescription safety glasses and over-glasses so that ones covered... we get exposed to all sorts of things (car wrecks through to squirting "fluids")...
I too can't re-enforce the PPE story to anyone listening... DIY's just don't look after their eyes, ears, teeth and fingers enough!!!
You only get one set of eyes..
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Well you've seen your share of what machines can do to humans- especially if said humans are tired and in a hurry (see the "goofs and blunders" column if you needed any reminders) ; one of our members did a good job milling the tip of his finger recently.
Have fun with your Emco!
Mark S.
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