Thanks Mark, I'm a paramedic by trade so I've seen what a little spec of metal/glass/heat/fork (yes, it happens) can do to an eye.
We call it PPE (personal protective equipment), and I get issued with prescription safety glasses and over-glasses so that ones covered... we get exposed to all sorts of things (car wrecks through to squirting "fluids")...
I too can't re-enforce the PPE story to anyone listening... DIY's just don't look after their eyes, ears, teeth and fingers enough!!!
You only get one set of eyes..
We call it PPE (personal protective equipment), and I get issued with prescription safety glasses and over-glasses so that ones covered... we get exposed to all sorts of things (car wrecks through to squirting "fluids")...
I too can't re-enforce the PPE story to anyone listening... DIY's just don't look after their eyes, ears, teeth and fingers enough!!!
You only get one set of eyes..