Clausing Colchester Bed Casting Question

You are right about DROs in 1977. If they had them, they probably came with Nixie tubes! :)
Hey now, don't be a hatin' on Nixie tubes. I always thought that they were pretty neat, a cross-over component in the shift from the analog to digital world.
Hey now, don't be a hatin' on Nixie tubes. I always thought that they were pretty neat, a cross-over component in the shift from the analog to digital world.
Not at all do I hate them! They are so loved that various folk keep them being made, and, amazing, some folk do them home made. There is new-old-stock, and clock kits on eBay. Look on YouTube for a great video on how he makes them.
But we distract from Jeff's mystery mountings on his lathe.
Adjustable auto stop.
That makes sense.
I’ll check the bottom of the apron to see if there are drilled and tapped holes?
Or did the apron stop while bumping into the clamped device on the bar?

The bar had an adjustable cam type thing that lifted the drive lever to stop the machine entirely
Apparently, but we never used it as production jobs were almost nil for that shop, and it wasn't needed...............