Chess piece - aluminium knight

I've seen a few people with home anodising set ups but I don't have a set up.

This is what my machine looks like now

Nice! I keep meaning to figure out a rotary axis for my CNC router.
I managed to find a bit of time to make another knight. It was a failure (I've had several) but I got some video of this one.

I'm using a slightly larger rotary axis now. So i tried to up the feed rate and rough it in one pass. I suspect the z axis missed steps because the model turned out rather fat. The feed rate was also too much for the a axis as that missed steps too.

One thing that did turn out nice was the surface finish. Because of the high feed rate there was a lot of side pressure on the cutter so there was no chance for chatter.

4mm tip tapered cutter
Doc up to 7mm
Woc 0.2mm
Coolant wd40 flood
