
Knowing how happy I was when I could eat some stuff I hate that your taste hasn’t returned as before. But we’re both above dirt. Been 7 years for me. Check ups every 6 months. Couple scares. Biopsy’s. Hate having cameras run up my nose and down my throat but could be worse.

Stay strong Dave!
You obviously have many friends here in your corner, and many of them are also survivors.

One day at a time, and focus on the good parts; the fun, the family, and even the tools if you have the strength.

All of my good wishes and thoughts are with you too!

The beers tasted as they should . :encourage: Terrible , as they were Genesees ! :big grin: I limited myself to two , but the two were better than nothing . Off to my second treatment in 30 minutes . We'll see how this one goes . :)
So far so good . :encourage: Dehydrated as usual , need to drink more water next time . They had to stick me 4 times ! :eek:
The 3rd week of my treatments each time around was the only week I really felt decent enough to do anything.
My son took over the truck while I was in treatment and during the 3rd week I was able to hit the road with him for a few days that week which led to some quality time with him and some good memories.
The Drs wanted me on a hi fiber diet which included prune juice which, as you might imagine, led to some interesting searches for rest areas during those weeks!!
Only other issue was I had to have blood work done each Monday and fax the results back to the oncology dept as part of a study group for the Mayo Clinic. Finding a clinic or hospital with the rig was sometimes a challenge!
This was the spring and summer of 1996.
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and happy holiday season with your family
Hey Thanks Fin . Hopefully I'll have some time to get back into the Cubbies . :encourage: Best wishes to you .
Worked on my 882 yesterday.
Made up a new driveshaft for it and used my new 5C collet and square block.
First I installed the old one, bumped up against my stop bolted to the table
then located the original holes using a bit in the quill inserted into the holes to log the distances between holes on the DRO. two different sized holes, 1/4" and one #7 bit.
Then put in the new blank and drilled away!!
Worked like a champ and got rid of some of the wobblies in the Cub driveline with tighter couplings all around.
I really need to investigate the chance of bushing some back to correct dimensions if possible.
I used to make and sell the driveline guards for the supers years back . That rag joint would bust and tear up everybody's rear ends . I just made up a loop and went thru the frames , sold quite a few of them on OCC . I think I need to get back into that type of work . :grin:
I put double rags on each end.
We also make some cub parts and sell on E-bay
Seller ID is finsrus
Have had fair luck
Here's one of them