

H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
Started my 3 month treatments this past Tuesday . First couple of days I felt fine , the last couple have not been so fun . Tired , taste and smell has changed drastically . Can't watch the Hallmark movies the rest of my time off , I need to get outside . :)
Sending positive vibes your way!

My father-in-law finished his chemo treatments just before the pandemic hit.
Thankfully all went well.

I sincerely wish you the very best.
I can't watch the Hallmark at all.... so I feel your pain :laughing:

I find youtube helps better, I get to watch machining, political disclosure (fact checking), scientific stuff, humor, history..
Regular TV just bores me. I'd rather learn something. Retaining it is another thing these days.
You have to go thru some bad to get to the good. I had stage 4 throat cancer before I went to doctor with much encouragement from wife and daughter. All teeth cut out. Feeding tube.port in chest for chemo. Radiation every day 5 months. Chemo every Tuesday 5 months. Yes taste and smell will change but will come back. Do the feeding tube if doctor recommended. I lost 80 pounds cause I would not use tube. But finally did. You MUST keep a very positive attitude. It’s hard on family too. You will get better.stay positive.
Hallmark Movies or Chemo? Is this really a choice?

Sorry, the dark side of me coming out trying to send some humor your way.

Thinking of you this week! Stay positive and know we are all pulling for you!

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I remember chemo well. Had chemo and radiation at the same time. I had throat cancer (and no I NEVER smoked) and the radiation closed my throat up and couldn't swallow and they put a feeding tube in my stomach. That was about 10 years ago. Most of my taste is gone, hearing affected a lot. It was a real *****, only thing as hard I've ever done as hard was Marine Corps boot camp. But I made it through both of them. Boot camp made me stronger, not sure if cancer did though. But now most challenges in life seem trivial as compared to them.

One day at a time. Everyday you wake up is a good day. Find one thing you can accomplish each day no matter how small it is. To me accomplishing something makes me feel like I'm still useful.

You tube is good for machining vids and old movies. Not into hallmark :rolleyes:
Stay tough and get well.
I had a good friend go through chemo. Watched him struggle, but it was obviously worth it. He's been in remission for almost 20 years!
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Been 9 days now without a beer , seems I lost my taste for it after my first treatment . It's nice outside today and I'm in the garage and getting thirsty . I'm going to test out my tastebuds ...................................if they are normal , I'll be back on .......................................

in a couple of days . :big grin: :drool::beer mugs:
Stay strong Dave!