[Lathe] change gears for Atlas lathe

I have a small block type tool holder but it's not tall enough to put on this lathe. Yesterday I was thinking about making a spacer block to raise it up but still then I would have to use spacer blocks under the tooling to get the right height for different size tool blanks. I started to make it but decided that I would just deal with what I have and make due for now. I did manage to get both of the rollers turned down, it was a real slow process but they are both laying on my bench waiting for the rest of the parts I have to make. I still may cut a taper on the idler bar so it will take different size wires but I just may cut different size grooves in the idler to fit the different wire sizes. I'm going to wait til I get all the parts made and put it together to see what would be the best way to deal with that. The working parts of the rollers ended up being a lot shorter than I wanted but I think it will still work for what I need.
This question is probably about as dumb as the one I asked in the opening post but I gotta know. Ghostdncr commented about a 'full set' being on e-bay awhile back. Just what is a full set? How were they set up, (what gear set up) did they come from the factory with? I've looked high and low and don't see it written anywhere. I know I said I was going to take some pics but just couldn't squeeze out the time yesterday. I spent the whole day cleaning and moving stuff around in my new shop. hopefully today I can finish that part and take a few pics of my setup.
Well it would be all the ones you would see on the threading chart that's on the lathe (you do have one don't you?) to give all the thread pitches the lathe can cut with the leadscrew it has, including the ones on the tumbler reverse lever, which are usually the smallest ones on an Atlas I believe. There are multiples of a couple. And one or two spacers, I forget exactly.
Mark S.
ps there's no dumb questions here- just dumb people. LOL sorry just funnin' with ya
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Thanks Frank, There is a lot of good info on those pages and just reading a little of it answered a lot of my other dumb questions..............AWHH I used to be dumb but now I is edgeucated;)..................I think.
Are you on facebook? There is a guy in the atlas and craftsman lathes group that has all sorts of atlas parts. I think he has a website too, I tried to find it but havn't so far.

edit: I found the site. www.mymachineshop.net
Thanks guys, this is enough information to keep me busy for awhile.:eagerness:

I took a few pics of my shop and some of the tooling I have yesterday I hope you like.machine shop 006.jpg machine shop 001.jpg machine shop 002.jpg

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