Change gear grease

Thanks. I saw those, but not much time, or tooling for that kind of project at this point. I wonder why they didn't implement a port on the left side as well.
Head on down to your local motorcycle dealer and buy a can of spray-on chain lube. A can will probably last a year or two.
That's what I said I was using in my first post. Don't like it at all. It's just tacky and glue-like.
I have never used grease in any form on change gears, only a few occasional drops of machine or way oil; the loads on change gears are quite light and the speeds relatively low, and little lubrication is needed. so far as the internal change gears are concerned, they seem to get enough oil from the regular oiling points.

I agree with John. An occasional light application of hydraulic oil is all you need. Chips brush right off if they get in there, and they will.