I've bought some cheap things from him a few times, and been happy with the fast deliver and quality of goods matched what I was expecting (China). The most expensive item so far is a Z-drive for my Bridgeport mill. On arrival, the box on the outside was undamaged. However when I took it out of the box, the top aluminum housing was bent in slightly, enough so that once installed you would not be able to stick the crank hand on if you wanted to manually crank the knee a touch. I called China Frank and he told me to return it for replacement which I did. He claimed he didn't have another one in stock to send me until he go more in "next week". I chased him a couple more times on the phone over the next few weeks as he wouldn't respond to my emails. Eventually I figured out in talking to him that he concluded that I must have tried to install the lift and damaged it in the process (since he confirmed the box showed no signs of damage). In thinking about this, I can see how he'd arrived at that conclusion. What he didn't know is that I was at my condo in FL for the winter and my shop (and mill) are at my home in ON. He just wanted to give me a credit for the lift and told me to order one from someone else. I eventually got him to send me a replacement Z-lift, which he has sent out to me but I have not received yet. I'm just hoping the new one he sends me is not damaged.
I'm guessing the original (new) Z-lift he sent me had come back from another customer who damaged it trying to install. He probably just put it back in stock and eventually sold it to me never realizing it was already damaged. But Frank was good to offer me a refund even when he was thinking I must have damaged the lift. So if my replacement lift arrives in good shape, I'll do business with him again if I need something he has. Bill