Tripletap: I think a retailer specific experience category would be good as long as it doesn't become a rant. Real experiences should be shared, good and bad. Sometimes I think some go overboard with U.S. verses Asian products. Sure I would like to support U.S. manufactured products but I don't understand why the Greatest nation in the world can't compete with other country's products. I live in an area where our farmers compete successfully with the world and export more than any other producers of goods. I don't think it's all the price of labor either. I think it is greedy management. My folks both worked for Maytag at Newton, IA for nearly 30 yrs. Management decided to export the jobs to Mexico to "compete", the quality declined and they lost their reputation as the best appliance manufacturer in the world. Before you know it they sold out to Whirlpool put <>2000 people out of work, paid the president $3,000,000 and whirlpool tried to cut my retired mothers pension and health benefits for which she had worked hard, sometimes 60 hrs per week for.
Well, I ought to quit, I'm ranting.