Canned (compressed) Air In The Shop

Most people compressors could stay on a month even with a little bleeding & still run under the cost of one of those cans. I need to measure what mine actually draws.

Also keep in mind that what your blowing isn't air. I believe it is butane. So if you breath to much your going to pass out or point it at a open flame & you get a surprise. I don't use it at my house. If you need to keep moisture away from what your blowing it is good. Freezing parts it could be useful but it seems like a waste to me.
My problem is I forget to turn the darn compressor off . Then it cycles every 8 or so hours. Over a period of time it gets expensive, so keeping it off, but pressurized and turn it on when needed. Then I hang a sign where I think I'll see it to remind me to turn it off. I get busy and ignore the damn sign, so it runs. For small clean-up and outs, the can is quicker and I truly believe cheaper, especially if you buy it from Costco. It contains difluoroethane and a bitterant to discourage idiots from inhaling it. It is not to be inhaled or used around an open flame. But it's quick and easy and you don't use much for small jobs. Over 140 three second bursts. I seldom use more than a three second burst.
I've been considering making a low pressure supply that hangs by each machine. I hate going all the way to mine to turn it on & off.
Also keep in mind that what your blowing isn't air. I believe it is butane. .

It is not butane. Butane is ridiculously explosive, heavier than air and pools at ground level(like propane); the liability for the companies would be off the charts and a litigators gold mine. Every few months or so someone around California blows themselves up while making hash oil(and I don't mean hash browns) from marijuana. Using it for lighters and camp stoves, etc. is pretty safe but spraying it around electrical apparatus or any source of ignition is a bad idea.

Harbor Freight used to sell reusable cans that had a Schrader valve attached. You could fill it with the substance of your choice (including only air), then pressurize it with your compressor.
I had/have one somewhere. It isn't very good. Only fill the cans half full or you'll be airing it up every little bit. I collected nozzles from other spray cans for different fans.
As mentioned its great for removing chips from a tapped hole. Menards has a sale on this stuff every couple of months - 2 cans for $4 - or something - if you get this through Grainger or MSC you can pay $10 - $12 a can.

I put a time switch on mine. If I forget, it turns it's self off. Have it wired up to the mag starter coil.

I've been threatening myself to add a timer & contactor to mine as well. I found a 24 VDC lawn light timer @ a rummage sale for $5. Having everything else I should have done this already. Thanks for the reminder & incentive.
I keep halogen containing materials out of my shop with the exception of aluminum welding flux and silver solder flux which contain fluorine, a necessary evil. For air I simply use AIR.