Thank you ChazzC.A very good first attempt. It looks like your order of operations is good. A couple of thoughts/suggestions:
Finish is outstanding! Is what is in the photos after polishing?
It looks like you tried to part off the excess length of rod; with that much stick-out and Acrylic being somewhat brittle, I would saw of the short end and just clean up the saw cuts by facing (which you did anyway).
To get the knob to seat fully on the shaft you have two options: undercut the "glob" so that it is smaller than the root diameter of the threaded portion or drill/bore the end of knob deep enough so that it fits over the unthreaded portion of the shaft (that's what I would do, since you're drilling & tapping anyway).
Keep up the good work!
Order of operations.... what makes me question my order of operations is that I'm now wondering if I began forming the wide diameter close to the chuck first, instead of last. I don't know. I'm not very experienced with thinking things through, so maybe the way I did it was OK.
Your second paragraph - do you mean saw off a piece of the rod before I chuck it up, instead of the way I did it? If that's what you mean, I think it makes sense. I'm not sure why I did that. I wasn't prepared for how messy this material is!
As far as fitting the knob all the way to the runner's shoulder: I'll likely have to implement your first recommendation... undercut the "glob" so that it's smaller than the thread's root diameter.