Here is a brief description by an outfit that sells compressors (drive type, pump type, isolation). I think they left out "intake noise" suppression. My son did some work using a Helmholtz suppressor on a single cylinder pump and it was quite remarkable what he was able to achieve.What makes them quieter , insulation, thicker castings, thicker tank , a muffler?.
I have a Kobalt that came with an Atlas Kopco two cylinder cast iron pump on it and yes, it is spinning fast. Some of the services I use it on are a bead blast cabinet, impact air tools, and a plasma cutter, all of which make the capacity it produces quite handy. One thing that could help it would be intake noise suppression and a better belt but it is going to be noisy just due to its speed and design. I also considered put it in an enclosure but was concerned about the cooling. It moves a lot of air over the pump and after-cooler when it runs.What type is your 80gal. compressor? If it is a belt drive piston compressor it is probably running at max rpm to get max cfm. I put a bigger pulley on my motor to slow it down and it is much quitter than it was . No problems talking to someone standing next to it.
Thanks for the explanation - I did not realize that Amazon Prime was not an advantage in Canada. Guessing the postal and package delivery infrastructure is a bit of a challenge in most areas.All I found on were 1HP models. Because we are in Canada, we don't qualify for free shipping on It's something that we've learned to live with in Canada. People mistakenly think Canadians are most characteristic for our apologies... Really it's our complacency that defines us! (or at least a bunch of us)