CAD, e machine shop or other

Note that Freecad, Librecad, Qcad, and Openscad are Open Source and included in the repositories of most major Linux distributions: you can install them directly with your package manager without downloading from the Web. Also, Librecad is the successor to Qcad.

Good point John. One caution about installing from your Linux distribution repository: It may not include the latest and greatest available version, so it's still worthwhile checking the home pages for a particular piece of software to make sure you are getting the latest features and bug fixes. Also, the free software is also availble (in many cases) for Windows and Mac.
Good point John. One caution about installing from your Linux distribution repository: It may not include the latest and greatest available version, so it's still worthwhile checking the home pages for a particular piece of software to make sure you are getting the latest features and bug fixes. Also, the free software is also availble (in many cases) for Windows and Mac.

You will also get the latest bugs as well as potential difficulties installing. The package in your distribution repository was put together by people expert in packaging software for your distribution. The generic one on the program's home page may have been produced by people who have never used your distribution. Many authors of Free Software for Linux will tell you that they would prefer that you get their software via your distribution rather than directly from their site unless you are prepared to deal with complex installation and configuration problems.

I use Debian and can always get the current or very nearly current version of any package from the Sid repository if I feel the need for the latest and greatest features.