Cabin Fever Expo 2024, Is anyone going?

Not sure, 2 hrs for me, and medical dependent......
consignment fees
Talked with them this morning: to maintain anonymity (and prevent off the book sales), while we can place items on a couple of adjacent tables, we can’t identify the tables as H-M or keep others from putting their stuff on them. Also, there’s nothing to keep someone from picking something off a table then changing their mind and putting it down somewhere else (like the lone bag of cookies in the cat food aisle).

A couple of other points:

  1. You can put labels on your items to help buyers understand what they are, but no names or other information.
  2. Although the Consignment Area page says there’s a 10 item limit, as long as you are reasonable about it (the example Gary gave was bringing 109 drill bits to be sold individually) you can bring as many (and as large @mmcmdl ) as you want.
  3. Setup begins at 3:00pm Thursday, but no sales until Friday morning. I plan to setup Thursday and will post the location of the table(s) as best I can.
The Consignment Area is now going to be located in the back half of the Auction room, so will be about twice the size as previous years (due to the auctions being online, they have decided to cut back on what they bring for display).
I'll be there. I'll be wearing a white cap with the letters "RPI" in red (my alma mater). Please introduce yourself if you see me.
I'll be there. I'll be wearing a white cap with the letters "RPI" in red (my alma mater). Please introduce yourself if you see me.
Have you been there before? You’ll have more luck being found if you have a Helium balloon.

I’ve arranged to meet people and even once we connect on phone it takes 10 - 15 minutes to find one another.
Yes, this will be my 8th time. I was thinking of saying I'd wear a straw hat. :) But my RPI cap is less common. Unfortunately I'm short.
I'll PM you my cell phone.
I will be exhibiting a 3D printed speedboat with a waterjet engine in the pond. I'll be there mid day Friday.
That is my favorite boat at Cabin Fever, although last year there was a canoe paddled by Popeye and Olvie Oil.