Bummed Out Newb On My First Mill Purchase Gone Bad

I might be interested in the tooling if/when you decide to sell it. I'm very sorry to read about all of your troubles in this deal, and appreciate your willingness to help all of us out by sharing the experience. Shows that we all need to be careful about dealing with people and gives me some cues to watch for.
If your still planning on a mill keep them all good cutters , the handle can be used on a build or repair.just what I'd do . At most you may get thirty bucks, but to 're buy them you'll pay much more. There not eating or costing . But if your done on milling sell.
Unfortunately those few end mills aren't really worth selling. Like stated above, unless you don't ever plan on getting a mill. You can buy used end mills on E-Bay all day long for a few dollars each. Have you seen any money from this loser yet? I have to hand it to you, you're a lot more civil than I would be at this point. I would make giving this guy a hard time my career!