Bridgeport Milling machine identification

.001 is not the end of the world if the finishes look good. Also know your requirements, if you plan on boring precision holes the bearings need to be replaced. Lots of home shop guys set things up like a jig bore only to work like a Black Smith ! There is probably an extention on the feed unit that can be removed. Won't know until you pull it apart. I do see the channels in the table, which means the machine is UK. Still a fine machine and not a clone. Bearings are not hard to replace, if the pockets are not worn / damage. [ see you tube ]. Good luck.
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The x lead screw is different - longer- and the bearings ofr that end are in the power feed. You either need to find a manual lead screw or make an adapter on a lathe to connect the handle and a bearing plate for a manual lead screw. I have the drawing for the adapter somewhere - may have gotten ot off here.


  • Visio-BP Leadescrew Extension.pdf
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