Braille Micrometer - Car Boot Find

I've had several patients who are blind. Universally a very hardy bunch!
To bad the mics are so expensive.
Now that I know that such things exist I'll watch for some to pop up.
Perhaps we can get somebody up new into inspection!

Starrett had a program once where they gave the mics to the blind. You might check with them to see if they still have the program. It's a shot in the dark , but still a shot.

"Billy G"
Thanks to both:
@upahill for posting, I have never seen those before!
@Bill Gruby for his knowledge and willingness to share it!

Much appreciated.
Hi all, new member here so hope this is allowed.
"Allowed" ... Hah! Not only allowed, but sincerely welcomed. That's a fantastic and fascinating tool. Thanks also for posting the thread about your collection. I'm really amazed at all the tools you've found.

Maybe you could also post something about "car boot sales." Are these organized events? How large are they, and how often are they held? Or are they just random things that pop up individually, or maybe advertised in the papers?

We do have "flea markets" here in the States, generally organized at public places, often by specific clubs like Ham radio operators or steam enthusiasts. Frequently, they're part of a larger exhibition the club is hosting. We also have Craigslist websites for most cities and towns, where people who have individual items for sale will advertise them. Craigs seems to have largely taken the place of newspaper classified ads. And then, of course, we have "garage sales" or "yard sales" at peoples' houses, several every weekend in smaller towns, large numbers in cities. Finally, there are charity shops (called "thrift stores" here). Several organizations have them. The largest chain is Goodwill Industries, which is nationwide.

I'm sure many of us here in the US would also appreciate hearing from other countries.

I have the paper work for that set and will scan it later and post it here for you. A word of extreme caution, do not try to adjust that barrel or take it apart till you have the paperwork. It is extremely fragile inside.
As always, thanks! Just for curiosity, have you been in touch with the Powerhouse Museum? I noticed their description included a note that "the object record is currently incomplete." They might enjoy a copy of the paperwork you have.
Maybe you could also post something about "car boot sales." Are these organized events? How large are they, and how often are they held? Or are they just random things that pop up individually, or maybe advertised in the papers?

We have a few car boots each week, the main ones being traditionally held on a sunday. On average I see around 50-100 cars/vans at our local one who usually set up a 10ft table next to their vehicle. Can take some rifling through and the selection of things which people bring varies massively. Number of buyers is often in the thousands.

I think they are a bit more similar to yard sales, but in one location - it tends to be your typical household surplus items mostly, whereas the flea markets has people who are more collector/specialist stalls.

Flea markets tend to be indoors and larger, but less frequent (at least around me, the main one is held about 4 times a year) - these can see 150-300 sellers at times.

A stereotypical car boot sale....

Wow! That's an amazing image. Guess I'll have to take the term "car boot" whole lot more literally in the future! We don't have anything like this (that I've ever seen or heard of) here in the states. The closest I've seen is a flea market, with some of the vendors having larger stuff for sale from flat-bed trailers. Many thanks for posting.
Swap Meets here in the states are very similar to "Car Boots". Don't overlook them, there is much to be found.

"Billy G"