Boss just handed me a print.


Mangler of grammar, off my meds.
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 7, 2023
Might be my last day.

I can relate to this , but don't have the time now . I got a print from a young engineer , drawn up so F'd up it was un-beleivable . Showed it to my boss at the time . He laughed his ass off and told me to make it as shown . Probably 20 hours to make a 30 minute part . Of course , the Gubmint was flipping the bill .
When I first saw that back in the 60s it was called a pioyute or something like that (pie-oh-ute)
I can relate to this , but don't have the time now . I got a print from a young engineer , drawn up so F'd up it was un-beleivable . Showed it to my boss at the time . He laughed his ass off and told me to make it as shown . Probably 20 hours to make a 30 minute part . Of course , the Gubmint was flipping the bill .
Been there, done that.

When CAD was new we had an engine ear fresh out of school that had never done a print by hand and thought if it was in CAD it couldn’t possibly be wrong because…. Conputer.

He brought me a drawing for a custom shelf for his desktop so he could use more of the available desk surface for his coffee or some ****.

The print came with a 10’ stick of 12”x1/2” aluminum, and the print showed uprights, their locations (.0000 no less) but didn’t define the width.

I figured I was supposed to guess (do math for him) that the length was based on the upright spacing and could have easily done that.

Problem was he was a bit uppity over his CAD skills, where we had old school guys still using drafting tables, slide rules and #2s.

Bosses reply when I showed him the print was to make it as shown, so I did.

Put it all together and had 2nd shift put it on his desk and set up the computer and monitor for him that night.

The rucus the next morning was epic as it spanned 1.5 adjacent desks to the left of him, the desks of his boss and another oldschool guy.

They even arraigned the older guys family pictures and chochtkies all nice and neat on their portion of the shelf for them. They even had the wit to place “computers for dummies” books to hold up the unsupported end.
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It's a paper weight designed by a committee.
