Boreing suggestion


Active User
Looking to purchase my first boreing bar setup. My lathe is a 12" atlas/cman / AXA and I use it for hobby work. Primary use is making spacers needing .500 + id

I see all types of versions & variations available, not sure what I need


You might edit your title if it's not too late to read "Boring Bar Recommendation/Suggestions?"

This may get you more attention to your request.

As for what to recommend, there are many types and styles out there. I have many different one's and never have enough. Try the ones used in a boring head on a mill. This might be the easiest to work with.

Well, you're gonna need a boring bar holder if you don't already have one to fit your tool post. For boring bars, you generally want the shortest and thickest one that will fit. I have purchased as needed, or made my own. Making larger boring bars to take HSS tools is not hard. I took a piece of 3.8" drill rod. On one end I drilled a hole through, perpendicular. On the other end, I drilled a hole at about 45 degrees. Both holes 1/8". I then filed the holes square with a needle file. It takes 1/8" hss bits, and works great. For smaller stuff I purchased some HSS boring bars, and they also work well.

You might consider a kit, but a lot of the lower priced kits are not great, hence the price. You will probably be better off figuring out 2 or 3 sizes that are gonna suit your project, and buy better quality boring bars.
You will probably be better off figuring out 2 or 3 sizes that are gonna suit your project, and buy better quality boring bars.

Good advice there.

I'm still in the process of "tooling up" my shop but so far what I've found is that it is better (and cheaper) to wait until you actually have a specific use or project, THEN go and buy the tooling to match. That way you can avoid buying stuff you won't have much use for with the money saved going for a better class of tooling. Right now on my list of "boring" projects I have to make a 0.5" hole that is 1" deep in brass, a 2.75" hole in a cast steel mill arbor support, and a 2" diameter hole in a "tube" of 4140 tool steel almost 14" deep (going to approach that one from both ends as accuracy isn't critical in the middle). The bottom line is though that these all require some very different types of bars and setups.

For some smaller/shorter holes that I've done in brass on the lathe I've used the kind of boring bar found in a mill boring head and just secured it in a standard QCTP bit holder. Ones like this Criterion bar from Enco -

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You can grind the tools. If you aren't in a heckuva hurry just take a piece of 1/2 HSS stock and grind a tool. Whoot done deal. You can even work at grinding an internal threading tool. It'll serve.

I have even brazed a carbide insert to a slot in a piece of round stock and ground it to cut with good results.
I agree with Moparfever. They work great. If its a short bore I use brassed carbide. Also do inside treading with them.