Another thing I find that works pretty good is the cheap ($2.00 a can) aerosol brake cleaner you can buy at auto-stores. With the little red tube you can pinpoint the spray. As the other guy said..wear safety glasses...I hate to say that as it looks like your a kid getting preached to which is not why I'm doing that. I rebuild machines for a living and clean machines a lot. I use a Safety Clean Parts washer for the parts I remove. I use the soap and water on the painted surfaces, wash it and wipe it dry. I do not slop it on the parts and let it rust, that's insulting to say that. I use a water soluble die spotting ink when I scrape ways and soap and water washes it off easy. Then I wipe dry it off and oil the ways.
You have to watch which brake cleaners you buy these days some them have changed the chemicals they use. If it contains methanol, toluene, acetone and heptane it will cause paint to blister. Look for the stuff with tetrachloroethylene if you don't want strip the paint.