All metals have an allowable bend radius. It is being exceeded. There are tables for the caluclation of inside and outside allowable radius. Some good information on the web or text books can help deterimine what that radius should be. Basically you are taking the metal to tensile failure on the outside part of the bend which is doing the most streching. The practical part is once you have the answer it is necessary to set the bending brake up so you get the desired results. So two things first know the allowable and the second is making sure that it is bent correctly. If you need an exceptionally tight bend then heat allows the metal to flow but for most of the real world such tight bends are probably not necessary. Trial and error works also if you understand why the material is going to failure. 1/4 inch steel is consider thick when compared to sheet metal. I apologize but I was not able to easily put my hands on reference material to tell you what steel can tolerate for minimum thickness. Got them for sheet metal but not the heavy stuff. Good Luck HMEL