I haven't run one for a while and I'm getting close to getting my PM 1127VF-LB making chips. I'm curious if there are some fun projects you might recommend? I have a couple in mind, but I thought I'd see what people thought. I don't have a mill, so please keep it to lathe only. I'd prefer things that are useful as well as good for teaching. For material I have various diameter 12L14 and 6061 at the moment.
Layout hammer. I'm told my 5lb sledge isn't a great choice.
Captive nut toy
Scribe (Clickspring has a good video)
Turner's cube
Fire piston (My son would love this...)
Flashlight/lightsaber handle (again, kids)
Chess set (the knight needs to be different, but still..)
Tailstock tap/die holders
Machinist jacks