It may possible to correct your out-of-vertical situation by modifying the pivot pin. I could go into all the details here, but all the heavy lifting has already been done.. Go on over to the 4x6 bandsaw forum on and search the file section for "fixing vertical squareness or worn pivot bearings". Basically one side of the pin is filed down to correct the out of square condition, then fixed in place with grub screws.
I say "may be possible" because your bandsaw sounds like it is VERY out of square, perhaps too much to fix by modding the pivot pin. Dropping one side will cock the pin over at an angle. If that angle has to be greater than what the clearance between the pin and bearing on the other side will permit, you're outta luck and are looking at a more extensive mod.
For a simple get'er dun solution, you can figure out what angle you need to tilt your work in order to compensate for the out of vertical condition. If I need a dead-nuts-on vertical cut I use a spacer in this manner:
The work is installed in the vise, then the extender is clamped to it with the C clamp. Then the extender is lifted up and my spacer (a penny turned out to be the right thickness) is put under the extender. Tighten down the vise and cut.
The extender makes it possible to place the spacer at the same spot to get consistent results. If the work is long enough to extend past the cutout in the bed, move the spacer to the right. You're basically looking for the same distance between the spacer on the left and the work's pivot point on the right.