Thanks all, you have been a huge help. Going to do some reading then get a good new blade, clean the saw really well (especially the wheels and guides) and then go slow and step by step. Even with the problem I must say I am pleased with what this poor thing have been asked to do. Most of the work I cut are 1/2"-1" thick plates (usually 4"-12" wide). Now, the poor thing is cutting (well was cutting until the blade broke) a 7" steel cube, that has one side torch cut, probably making it very hard at the surface.
After thinking about it, (and looking at the several pounds of cutting dust I have cleaned up so far) the poor blade has done a lot of cutting. Time to get a few new ones and see how it goes
After thinking about it, (and looking at the several pounds of cutting dust I have cleaned up so far) the poor blade has done a lot of cutting. Time to get a few new ones and see how it goes