Hi... My little HF machine is probably the most used item in the shop and once you know the machine is setup, blades coming off is usually a sign of the blade going bad or operator error. Getting the right tension and downward pressure are where operator error comes into play. After enough use, the blade starts bending such that the diameter of the toothed side is greater than the diameter of the backside. Basically, if the circular blade were just sitting on a table, it starts getting cone shaped (hope that made sense). They're on borrowed time when that happens. I've also had brand new (and half decent quality) blades break in the 1st hour of use -obviously a bad weld. When the arm starts bouncing up & down, that's another sign it's going to go soon.
Generally speaking I get from one to two months (sometimes 3) out of a blade and the teeth are usually good but the metal gets distorted. I usually save them and silver solder the ones that were defective with bad welds. And always buy 5-6 at a time so you don't have to worry about it.
Been half tempted to get a blade welder and buy bulk rolls or just get bulk rolls and silver solder them. The 1st ones I soldered were tricky. You need to really degrease them then, annneal the joint, hit the joint with a wire wheel (be careful there) then solder it.
I just had about 15 cuts of 2 & 3" diameter 316 and 308 stainless and that was time consuming -almost 2 hours per cut. The machine doesn't mind one bit, the blades hate it. I really want to get that bigger HF unit but it's not in the cards right now.