Automatic center punch

As to the knurling, one hand of the knurl being more/less deep than the other may be caused by the holder set too high or low, double tracking is usually caused by having an odd diameter of the blank, the usual diametral pitch knurls are best for nominal diameters, circular pitch knurls are best for odd diameters., although it would not help in this situation, I like to apply a lot of pressure initially, using only part of the width of the knurl, to establish full tracking of the knurl pattern, then ease off on the pressure and continue across the area to be knurled, making multiple passes if necessary; in production, knurls are made in a single passes after the tool is adjusted to the desired depth.
Very nice

I’ll add this to my list of projects to try (I’m also a newbie)

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As a beginner this project was a real skills stretching experience. My first single point threading on a project, internal too. I had to make the trigger 4 times, the hammer 4 times too. So far it seems to work. Not sure if my hardening job will hold.

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View attachment 417525

Sure wish I was better at knurling. Probably should have left that off and did half a dozen practice knurls first.

Beautiful Job! Are there plans available to make something like that?
Beautiful Job! Are there plans available to make something like that?

Thanks! No plans that I'm aware of.

There are a couple of YouTube videos showing how to make one, along with some information on a Wikipedia page that is helpful.

Basically it was taking a basic design and trying multiple times to get the parts right.
Thanks for the info.

I did see there were a couple YouTube's, I haven't checked them out yet.