Auto Zone battery died. It was only 7 years old.

When a lead acid battery dies it is usually just because the plates have developed a coating that is an insulator to electricity. The lead and sulfuric acid never really change. That is why they always want the core and will pay for dead batteries. everything in a battery is very recyclable since it never actually wears out, just gets dirty. Your local auto parts store will pay you around $10 for an old battery, they then mark that up and sell the cores to the recyclers who then mark it up some more and sell it to the battery makers.

We used to have a local company that payed top dollar for used batteries and they recycle them into new batteries on site. They made some very good batteries that they sell direct to the end user cutting out all of the levels of markup thru the distribution system. They paid 2 to 3 times more than the auto store and sold batteries for half of the auto store. It was the EPA that finally did them in.

My truck eats batteries as a snack. I have been getting the premium Duralast from auto-zone. they have a 3 year full replacement warranty. they way the handle the warranty is they give you a full refund of your purchase price of the battery and then you buy a new battery at whatever the current price is. The new battery then comes with a new 3 year warranty. every 2 years my battery is junk, it get replaced under warranty. I have not paid full price for a battery since I bought this truck in 2013. The same went for my last truck. that last truck I bought new and in 17 years and 350K miles I only had to pay for the first battery replacement. Every fall I take the truck into the AZ store to have the battery tested. when they tell me it is no good I tell them fine, it is under warranty. I do not wait to be stranded.I have replaced many batteries that were showing no signs to me of getting weak but the stores tester said it was bad. I do not mind always having fresh batteries in the truck
But if there are now just 3 companies but they build batteries to different specs within brands, how do you pick a battery???
Go with a reputable brand, like interstate,lol
At the GM dealership that I was parts manager for, we tended to use AC Delco for 3 reasons.
Reduce the come backs with warranty claims from POed customers.
Even though the warranty was prorated, the batteries lasted longer.
We could get a better price on the wholesale.

Interstate was our other line that we offered.