Up front, if there is a bidding war going on I'll double the best bid up to several hundred bux. That was a heluva find at that price you paid. A man after my own heart, turning junk into junque to use. A bidding war should give you some insight into the value of such a machine. Not in dollars, in its' uses.
I rebuilt mine when I recieved it, even though it came out of use. Found several things that didn't "feel" right so I started a search for documentation. It's out there, just not openly. The thing to take note of, first. It ain"t a three HP Bridgeport. For small work it works beautifully. But beware the large...
The next is to get your hands on an angle plate. Anything else you might need can be made. As a small stationary bench machine, it only has one competitor, from Grizzly. And that one doesn't come even close to the Atlas. Just remember it hasn't been made for 50+ years.