Atlas 618 - Using (larger) tool holders made for larger lathe

Update for contributors to this post.....I purchased an OXA QCTP tool package from The Little Machine Shop this morning. The package includes a number of tools and tool holders, chuck, MT1, centre drills, boring bar, etc. As the listing said, "everything to get you started!" A friend gave me a 3/8" HSS tool bit and is looking for more buried somewhere in his shop. He also had a knurling tool holder that holds 3 different size knurling wheels in one holder....that fits in my lantern tool post. Your help to me, especially at this early time of inexperience and knowledge machining has really helped me get going with my machining hobby. I consider myself fortunate to be welcomed as a member to this forum. Thank you for all your help!!
Have you tried using your lantern tool post yet? The instructor in the machine shop told me a similar thing to much of the advice, which was to immediately replace the lantern with a quick change tool post, preferably an Aloris. It might be fun, at least while browsing offerings, to at least make a few little projects. Surely, you must be eager to try the lathe.

I kind of went the other direction. I had a quick change tool post on my South Bend, and decided to make a lantern tool post for it. The main reason was that it was easier to forge with hammer and anvil. Of course, my quick change was also forged, but I had to enlist the services of a striker, since it was heavy sledding. The lantern tool post and associated Armstrong type tool holder could be done single handed with a hand hammer. Plus, it looks cooler and more appropriate on the lathe. It turns out I only used it twice. The first time was to cut its own base, which has a dish shape for the rocker to bear against. A lantern tool post can be used to turn a ball, but a quick change tool post alone is not sufficient. The second time was to cut a replacement lead screw for my cross slide. The quick change tool post could not get the bit in.
I haven't had the tool bit in the only holder I presently have so no, I haven't used it yet but I am looking forward to doing so as soon as I receive the QCTP and starter kit. I am really looking forward to getting on with a number of projects on my wish list to complete.
If all the parts are there, give it a try! You might like it. I was so eager to try out my first basket case Craftsman 109 that I used a wood lathe tool on a little piece of junk aluminum that I put in the chuck. There was no tool post, but that wasn't going to stop me. When I first saw that nice little curl come off, I just about jumped out of my skin. Nothing like it.
I’m very eager to get going...thanks for the encouragement!...Mike
3/8" tool bits are huge, comparatively speaking, for a 6" lathe. I'm speaking of HSS types here. I use 1/4" almost exclusively on my Atlas.
Thanks for your reply Mark! I will get a few more 1/4" the moment I only have one but I took the advice of other members and bought a QC Tool post...Mike
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I also like high positive rake inserts CCGT3251HP made by Kennametal mounted to a home-made holder
It's one carbide that works well on small lathes; they have versions for both steel (KC730) and non-ferrous (KC5410) but I have found them to be more or less interchangeable. They have a razor sharp edge which gives a nice finish and they cut like a bandit
They are expensive but you can find them on Ebay reasonably priced


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@markba633csi Can you put the entire K product # in a post? I use K inserts for much of my cutting, only resorting to offshore for aluminum and brass.
Thanks for your additional information on the tool bits. Given that I am a newbie, I now need to learn about all of this so your latest comments are also very helpful.

From comments made earlier in the thread about a bench Grinder, I got a good one from a friend and we presently have it apart putting a new set of bearing in it.

Welcome to the club. Lots of opinions expressed. The best are those backed up with "why!" I've never used a lantern style TP, don't know what I'm missing. I've got a QCTP and like it. Adjustments are quick and easy for all directions. Your purchase of the LMS kit sounds like a good move. I use both HSS & inserts. The number of inserts available is staggering/confusing. Production quality inserts are expensive, Cheap ones+- highly variable. Learn to grind HSS, it's worth knowing.