Had a little spare time to today & decent temps outside to get the new half nuts installed on the Atlas 10100 Mk.2. I noticed before that the lead screw "flexes" or bows out toward the operator when engaging the half nuts. this also translates into pushing the threading dial away from the lead screw so that when then half nuts are disengaged the threading dial isn't making full contact with the leadscrew anymore. I set up a DI on the portion of the lead screw that was closest to the half nuts at the middle of the lead screw at the tailstock end of the apron. with the lathe turned off, engaging the the half nuts causes the lead screw to flex/bow 0.022 according to the DI.
Is there some type of adjustment I can make to remedy this or is it just a normal thing with the Atlas lathes and I'm worrying over nothing ?? As it sits now it has new half nuts installed & lead screw cleaned with brass brush and I also ran the carriage down the length of the lead screw with the half nuts engaged under power to allow the new half nuts to settle into the lead screw & further clean the threads in case the scrubbing with the brush missed anything. Flushed the new half nuts out with some spray lube, wiped the spray lube off, then re-oiled the lead screw & ran it again. None of the cleaning seemed to correct the flexing/bowing of the lead screw when engaging the half nuts...??
Is there some type of adjustment I can make to remedy this or is it just a normal thing with the Atlas lathes and I'm worrying over nothing ?? As it sits now it has new half nuts installed & lead screw cleaned with brass brush and I also ran the carriage down the length of the lead screw with the half nuts engaged under power to allow the new half nuts to settle into the lead screw & further clean the threads in case the scrubbing with the brush missed anything. Flushed the new half nuts out with some spray lube, wiped the spray lube off, then re-oiled the lead screw & ran it again. None of the cleaning seemed to correct the flexing/bowing of the lead screw when engaging the half nuts...??