Anyone with Experience using a Spring-type Live Center?

I use this with dead centers. Well, actually I use it anytime I use a center even if there's no rotation between the center hole & center. It helps prevent scoring.

I buy it from Mcmaster but MSC also sells it. Can also buy it from some automotive places under the Dart name. It's made by Chicago Manufacturing & Distribution Co. though.

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Will, I will give that a try. I have been using a high temp lithium bearing grease that I use for my boat trailer. Thanks for the tip!
Will, I will give that a try. I have been using a high temp lithium bearing grease that I use for my boat trailer. Thanks for the tip!

No problem, hope it works out for you. I was told by my old machining instructor that they used to use some sort of white lead paste (IIRC) back in the day that worked great but of course you can't get it anymore these days. I wonder why? :D