I should qualify my post above; when I first got that lathe, I set it on top of two pieces of 4" channel iron, welded together flange to flange, the bottom piece longer than the span of the legs with holes drilled in the overhanging part for bolting to the floor, and the upper pieces cut to the width of the legs with holes to bolt the legs to, this raised the lathe about 3", but I would be standing on duck boards made of old flooring about 5/8 thick, so that raised the floor about 1 1/4", so the lathe was about 1 3/4" higher than when sitting directly on the floor, this was a comfortable working height for me at 5'-9 1/2". Since then, I retired and brought the machine home, as the buyer of my shop did not want it. Somewhere along the line of years, I discovered that I shrunk in height a couple of inches! I use a piece of conveyor belt on the floor in front of the lathe, and what with removing the previously added channel iron, the height is about right for me.