Anyone modify the kant twist without taking them apart?


Nov 25, 2015
I'd rather not take apart my kant twists.
But I'd like to modify them and put a V in the proper way. I don't know what they were thinking putting them in the way they have them.
I am always needing to grab a round part at 90.. not parallel.
But I don't want to grind out the riveted shaft. It's probably a harder steel, and is strong enough to clamp. I have no problem riveting, but I just don't want to do this one.

If you did, how did you hold it. I am thinking I might get by using a parallel clamp, then putting that in the vise.. But fearful it will move. Also aligning both grooves will be a challenge.
oh well, that didn't go well. I did the small one first to not bugger up a big one. These are copper clad, not copper.
my math, or my measurements were off. I calculated a triangle within a triangle. to get half the drop from the top head from 45.
it works, but is finicky. I can't grip the smaller side, So I may leave it at one, and see.
Not going to do all of them until I see how I like this.
Because the jaws are small (even on the larger clamps, unless you’ve got some of gigantic ones), I’d use a small 45 degree chamfering end mill to cut the grooves: easier to locate the grooves in the center of the jaw.